
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Inspired to Try....

A while back on FB, Jamie Williams Grossman posted about the book she was working in.  An 8 x 10 inch, 16 page book made from one sheet of watercolor paper!!!

Of course there were many questions in the comments about how????  Jamie was very sharing and gave the website address for the directions and also mentioned that it could be fashioned smaller using a half a sheet. It would be approximately  5 x 7 inches.  Now, that's my favorite working size.  I must do this!

Here is the link Jamie gave:

This is my 5 x 7 adaptation and below I've provided directions on making a basic book.  The sky is the limit for what you do with it :)
I painted the cover, page borders, splatters and marsh images with FW Acrylic Inks.

Please click to enlarge images.  This book has 16 paintable surfaces.

You'll want to use Fabriano 140# watercolor paper as it doesn't crack when folded. I tore my sheets so I could get an uneven edge. I use hot press as I like writing on the smooth surface.

Your book will be as precise as your folds.  Take your time and you'll be happy.  I practiced on  a 15" x 22" sheet of drawing paper.  I'm glad I did!

Happy journal making!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Artist's Journal Workshop

Spring, Oh Where Art Thou?2013_03_28_kokuyo_01Mar27ArtPeople on train to PerthPaddock, back of schoolSean at Karate
10-03-13USK France - Le carnet " Maisons, cabanes, villas..."RainforestFebruary 2013: Muir WoodsFebruary 2013: Muir WoodsFebruary 2013: Muir Woods
Day 33  Dark FaeriesMar26ArtTree cave Torquay Victoria AustraliaBig223.17.13 Beidler Forest Sketches09-03-13b
Mar25ArtSomething new...Day 32  Recess FriendsSaturday morning breakfastFamily visit on sunday afternoonThe Cover of my current sketchbook
Artist's Journal Workshop, a group on Flickr.
Lots of lovely work in our Flickr group! If you keep an artist's journal--or want to!--please feel free to join us!

Just look at how many new pieces have shown up there in just a couple of days.  I'm working on a slideshow to put on the blog, too...

Monday, March 25, 2013

Artist's Journal Workshop

Something new...Day 32  Recess FriendsSaturday morning breakfastFamily visit on sunday afternoonThe Cover of my current sketchbook9 037
9 038Springtime . . .09-03-13a2013_03_24_trains_Prievidza2013_03_24_cerenany2013_03_23_avignon
DaliMar24Artart journal - grow #2art journal - growart journal - courageWC Sketch 23Mar13
WC Sketch 6Mar13March 24  Trust :: JournalingGolf SketchesMar23ArtExchange of sketchbookshamburg

Artist's Journal Workshop, a group on Flickr.

Looking at ways to share our Flickr group...