
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

binding sample journals

Reading through comments on a recent post by my dear friend Kate (aka Cathy Johnson), I remembered a pack of sample watercolor papers purchased several years ago from Legion Paper. Kate mentioned binding a journal of a similar sampler pack.

Nearing the end of this journal, I've been considering buying more paper to bind a few more. But why not use what I have? First I cut the Bockingford tinted samples in half to make a smaller purse-size journal. Then I used most of the other sample sheets as-is, folding once to form signatures.

I checked in the old steamer trunk that holds my bookbinding materials for cover boards, planning on binding both of these with an open spine & Coptic stitch. But I found these two book covers, bug-chewed text blogs removed, that were rescued from a discard pile at a library sale years ago. Totally unexpected, BOTH of them fit the signatures I just made! The only adjustment needed was to remove two papers from the larger set, since the original book was rather thin. With the title "Near to Nature's Heart", the small book may be dedicated to nature sketches.

After cutting and folding new signatures, I leave them under this weight (an antique iron from Bill's grandmother) a few days before sewing. It helps the paper hold it's new shape.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

This is Corpus Christi as seen from the Texas State Aquarium. An artificial barrier has been built along the sea wall with mangroves and other plants, much under water from recent heavy rains. Waves wash over this barrier, sometimes trapping fish and other sea life. Usually there are plenty of seabirds taking advantage of easy fishing, but this was a particularly stormy day.

Monday, May 18, 2015

A shrimping we will go

We recently took a trip to the Gulf of Mexico. Just across the lane from Our Place on the Bay, the Bed & Breakfast we stayed at, a shrimp boat was waiting for its next trip out. So I sat nearby and drew her. Early each morning the crew takes her out, then returns to load up their trucks with the day's catch.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Painting with Gouache - Sandy Williams

It's 41 degrees this morning here in Michigan and, although we don't have snow, it's certainly cold   enough to remind me that it isn't that far behind us.  This is a snowscape I did using gouache to paint over the pen and ink and watercolor pencil painting.  Gouache was perfect to add the opaque touches for the snow.

There have been some discussions lately about painting with gouache.  It's my favorite medium and I'm passionate about using it to create detailed paintings of birds, botanicals and animals.  I'd like to invite you to sign up to my monthly newsletter  with tips about gouache, art in general and fun projects.  I hope you'll join in.  Go to and click on the blue button on the top of the "Learning Center" page.  I also have books on painting with gouache available as immediate downloads or as print books on Amazon.  I hope you'll drop by!