
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Sketchbook Project - Update II - Birds

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Here is why I love the 17th hole at our golf course :)

The Wood Storks in foreground weren't listing to the left.....  I must have been holding the sketchbook at too much of an angle :)

I love the crows in this spread :)

I had no idea that crows would hang with Ibis.  I see this all the time - in trees, feeding on the fairway..... never fighting over territory.

Certainly can bring a smile!


  1. It's encouraging to have you post an entry which you feel is less than perfect (the listing birds). I used to be embarrassed to have people look at my sketchbooks. They are nowhere near the quality of yours, but I have become very comfortable with MY work. Thanks.

  2. Pam, your colors here are SO rich and lively! Beautiful...and of course as always your lettering enhances the page like a smile on a friend's face...

  3. We have Crows here & they are such fun to watch. You captured their personalities so well. Wonderful work and I love the writing and how you do it. Wish we had those ibis here.

  4. Beautiful -- I especially love the crows.

  5. Wow! Thank you all!

    Indiana, that's the beauty of journaling. Anything goes... even the goofs :) I like to take a lighthearted approach to my mistakes and write little notes near my less-than-perfect attempts. Some notes reflect what I'd do differently, some just laugh with the moment and hopefully they will crack a smile on someone's face. Our journals are our memory keepers and they are priceless. We are not creating a finished painting to hang and be judged. We are celebrating the gifts in our life :)

    Kate, who'd have thunk that icky paper, a deadline, sketching with pen and a subject I dearly love would help me break through to this lively work! The book may be gone, but for me, the reward of creating happy pages lives deep in my heart :)

    Chris, I love crows, too. They can be devilish but also possess a lively character that's a joy to watch. They have an incredible language all their own. I used to think 'caw caw' was their call. I've yet to find bird call info that has recorded all the sounds I hear from them.

    Miss T - me too :) I especially love the 2 in the lower left!

  6. Love the ibis and crows —the color on that page especially just sings!! Awesome job on the whole project, Pam!

  7. Wonderful work especially on the horrible paper that was in the sketchbook. All the birds have their own personalities!

  8. These are all beautiful and close to my favorites of all the journals I've seen.

  9. Thank you, Laure! Especially for the cheering on through it all :)

    Thanks, Cathy! From icky paper good thing can come :)

    Wow, Ellen! Thank you so!!

  10. These are amazing, wish my sketchbooks looked like them. I love the colours you have used for the crows.

  11. Well Pam, I'm delighted it all came together. Those bold blue crows just capture the sun on their glossy feathers!

  12. Love it! Just bought the book too and took it on my Maine vacation and finding time to sketch in my watercolor journal.


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