
Sunday, January 9, 2011

What a great resource our readers and correspondents are!

Roz Stendahl sent a bunch of meetup and sketchcrawl links from her area, and Jan Olsen sent some international ones!  I've added them to the page at the top of this blog, below our banner.

Keep 'em coming!


  1. My email bounced :-(

    I have two suggestions--Jana's journal blog has a page about what she has learned each time she has bound a book.

    Also,Laure Ferlita offers some online classes that I hear are terrific.

  2. Donna, thank you! Yes, Jana just sent me those links yesterday, which I'll be getting up shortly!

    Laure's one of our correspondents, so I hope she'll send me info on upcoming ones...I hear they ARE terrific!

  3. It would be nice if readers in the same towns could have a way of getting in touch with others in their areas who might like to meet and sketch together. I feel somewhat isolated and envy those who can find likeminded sketchers in their towns. Just a thought...


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!