
Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Sketchbook Project - Final Update

Here are the final pages. I had to clean these up quite a bit from the original scans. The wrinkled paper and the difficulty I had getting the book to lay flat on the scan bed was a real treat.... Especially at 2 am in the morning :)

click all images to enlarge
It was late on January 17th when I finished painting/writing. I then had to scan the last pages so that come daylight and a little sleep, I could bind the book into it's pink cover and send it on it's way.... deadline met.

My last words are from the heart after a very long journey.......

And, in it's entirety.......


  1. Pam, as always, your work is so enchanting and your creativity is vast. Enjoyed so much seeing all of the sketchbook spreads you posted--you're such an inspiration!

  2. SO glad you shared this with us. Your colors just sing, and your text adds so much, both in content and beauty! Maria's right...

  3. Thank you, Maria, for your kind words! They mean a lot to me :)

  4. Wow--your book is beautiful!! I love it.

  5. This is just heavenly! I love, love, love the images, I love how your joy in making this book comes through every square centimeter of the pages. This is really, really special.

  6. Thank you, Sue!

    Thank you, Laura! Can't beat creating art with the joy of your subject in your heart. I'm happy it shows :)

  7. So beautiful! You're so talented. My sketchbook wasn't anything like this, lol.


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