
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Full Pollen Moon

Full Pollen Moon by PJBee
Full Pollen Moon, a photo by PJBee on Flickr.
I gave March's full moon a new name but can't help but think the long ago Native American tribes of this area probably called it Full Pollen Moon too :)

My nose has been so close to the grindstone lately I didn't hear about this moon being so special and called, by some, the 'supermoon' - I'm going to have to figure out how to add a note about this on an already full page!


  1. Perhaps a clever piece of paper collaged down in the darkest tree line?

  2. White pen? Or just leave it! I didn't like the name so purposely avoided it on my moon!

    This is gorgeous, though, Pam...

  3. Pam, I love the way you incorporate your beautiful lettering into your art. Do you teach lettering classes online or have materials you have designed on the subject for purchase? I notice that you teach in S. Carolina - are there any places on the west coast that you also teach workshops? If this is not the correct place for me to ask these questions, please let me know and I will email you privately. Thanks a lot, Kay

  4. Kay, it's perfectly fine to ask that sort of question, in fact I want our correspondents to let us know when and where they're teaching so we can add it to the Classes, etc., tab above! Pam, how about it!?

  5. Laure & Kate - Thank you and... Dang, I should have set this page on the back burner a little longer as you both have great ideas. Too late, though. I'll post what I forged ahead with in a bit.

    Kay, thank you so! For right now, I'm just teaching in SC though it is a goal to branch out and share the joy of illustrated journaling :) I'm currently coordinating a garden journal workshop with a nursery or two in the Hilton Head Island, SC area, for mid to late May but don't, as yet, have enough details worked out to post information. As far a lettering.... I am in the very slow process of figuring out how to do online tutoring. It's slowed down even more as my day job is crazy busy right now. If you can bear with me I will get back to you in late May and see if we can work something out :)

    Kate, thanks for creating the opportunity to post workshops! I will get there :)

    Jeannette, I'm happy you like my 'native' name :)

  6. Great, Pam, post whenever you have something lined up! I'll get it in the classes tab (apparently co-authors can't do those, darn it!) It just makes the blog more useful to ALL of us.

  7. Pam, hopefully you will have some time to pull it together. Would love to take an online class of yours some day OR better yet a workshop someplace. Please keep us informed. Kate, thanks for the answer to my question. There is so much great talent here.


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