
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Notice anything different?


  1. Your new book with its now new cover is in the header? I saw your article on colored pencils in the lastest watercolor magazine I got yesterday. Wish I had read that before buying my WC pencils. Good article BTW.

  2. That's it, Cris, you've got sharp eyes! It took a long time, and I'm sad that one of my favorite artists isn't on it any more, but I'm happy to have the final cover. (The writer doesn't pick their covers or titles, or very rarely, anyway.)

    And glad you enjoyed the article, what kind did you get? I've used most of them!

  3. I got the Faber-castell but the beginner ones I guess. I posted them a few blog posts back and was told they werent the top. I got them on sale at Michaels. They arent that buttery.
    When does the new book come out? I plan on getting it.

  4. As soon as I saw the title for the post in my "blogger reading list" I thought, "The cover is here!"

    I can't imagine how excited you all are to see its fruition. I'm excited for you.

  5. The book comes out in June, Cris, unless it's early. Sorry about the pencils! Although I rather like some of the drier ones, too, I enjoy the lines they leave. Give them a good workout before you give up on them!

    Satia, I am! It takes a LONG time between signing a contract and having a book in hand; that part will still be another 3 months or so, but a cover is GOOD.

  6. I spotted the cover right away. The book is one step closer! Congratulations to you and all of the other artists!

  7. How could anyone NOT click through immediatley to such an intriguing headline ???

    now we just have to keep waiting..... but Kate, you give us so many projects and interesting things on your various websites to keep us entertained and educated while we are waiting !!

  8. Thank you! I don't call my original blog the Quicksilver Workaholic for nothing, Miss Alissa! My friends think I'm a tiny bit hyper...

  9. Naw- just a cute little bunny :) Hey, we only live once. Go for the gusto. I say..... Just take good care of you and you love :)

    Cover looks good.

  10. As my dear husband would say, "It's another smilestone!" The cover is quite dynamic, Kate.

  11. Pam, I've got a friend whose license plate used to read 2 D MAX--yep, like that. And thank you both!


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