
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sketching Trees

March 2011: Park by apple-pine
March 2011: Park a photo by apple-pine on Flickr.

One of great joys in sketching for me is working on trees. I look forward to winter month to work on their skeletons and make lists and maps of trees to draw... I have to admit that by the time I get to that skeleton I very often find it full of leaves ;) But I have fun nonetheless - and would encourage anyone to meet and sketch more trees - they will stand still for you for long periods of time and never utter a word of criticism! :)


  1. What a lovely sketch - such depth of field and variation in tone. Super.

  2. Nina, this is wonderful...what a sense of distance! Your foreground tree really stands out...and what a great tree, love its gesture.

  3. A subject that doesn't move! Now there's an idea. :)

  4. Tree bark offers so many textures…an artists delight!

  5. I feel the same about sketching trees. I sketch them all the time, and my favourite paintings are landscapes with lots of trees. I also grow bonsai and incorporate them into my sketches when I can't get out and about.

    Love the sketch above

  6. I hadn't thought about them staying still but that's so true.


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