
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

time for a new journal . . .from Vicky Williamson

new journal by vickylw
new journal a photo by vickylw on Flickr.

. . . another one I bound myself. It's hard to find sturdy cover papers locally. I used a heavy scrapbook paper on this cover but it still seemed like it would wear out long before I finish sketching within its pages.

Kate told me of a neat trick she uses on some journal covers: Future floor wax! Actually I couldn't find any, but Pledge had one that had the Future logo on the label. And it seems to have worked well. Just a bit of shine but it feels much sturdier.

At first the cover was plain, but since I am picking up my new Scottie puppy this coming weekend, I just had to add a bit of Scots to the journal. I'm sure there will be many sketches of her coming . . .

first pages

But true to my own tradition, the first pages were palette sketches.


  1. I have put your book on pre-order from amazon. Can't wait!

  2. Love your new journal and the sketches! I've been using cloth but have been thinking about trying paper next time, so the floor wax tip is perfect timing for me. Thanks!

  3. Vicky, this is just beautiful! Can't wait to see it, AND the puppy.

    Dee, thank you!

  4. I often use wallpaper on my covers. It is quite sturdy.

  5. Love this journal. May I ask what are the dimensions of it ? Also can't wait for your new book!!!!! and of course the Scotty!!!

  6. I never thought of wallpaper! Maybe I can beg for some scraps at the local shop. Thanks!

    Sharon, this journal is roughly 6" square. I started with 2 full sheets of WC paper cut into squares. Then I folded and tore on the fold lines until I had papers 5 1/2 x 11" to fold and sew up into signatures.

  7. I have made a very durable journal cover (for my rollicking grandson) from large Tyvek envelopes. Tyvek is a material made by Dupont, and it is practically indestructible. I cut the envelopes to size, and stained them with acrylic paints. I used a "camo" design--good for young boys, but you could use any creative approach with the color.

    Love your first page entries, Vicky!

  8. I've used Tyvek, too, and loved the effect! Some of the newer stuff has a waterproofing that doesn't allow you to stain it, though... <:-(

    Eventually the Tyvek gets frayed on the corners, with the kind of hard use one of my journals gets, but I don't mind honest wear.

  9. I've heard of using Tyvek but all I could find was a box of unused Tyvek envelopes for a hefty price tag at an office supply store. More than I could afford. I would LOVE to find a source for it.

    Kate, would staining work if you use the back side? Maybe the waterproof finish is only on one side?

    I do like some wear to show by the end of the journal . . . brings to mind the Velveteen Rabbit!

  10. Don't know, I'll have to try it! Apparently builders use Tyvek for weather proofing too, so maybe that's a cheaper source?


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