
Monday, April 25, 2011

My Free Online Journaling Workshop Is Almost Here!

If you haven't already heard, I've got a 4-part visual journaling workshop coming up over at Strathmore (using their new line of journals). It's free. I did this little video for fun last night to promote it.

If the embedded video doesn't play you can see the promo here. I hope you'll join me in May.


  1. Had to wipe up the coffee spills before I could post! The BEST preview ever! I can't wait to start! (And I am sooooo grateful it won't start till IFJM is done!)

  2. Roz, OMG I love this preview!!! Your students are going to get the best class with you. Good Luck Friend!

  3. I am so glad I had finished my coffee before watching the video! LOL! Thanks for the giggles and I am so glad you are still together. I signed up way back when the class was first announced and marking the calendar, counting the days. It is almost here!

  4. Loved the preview:) Hope your photographer takes the course:/ !!!!

  5. It looks like we're going to have lots of fun!

  6. That's a hoot, Roz, I love your sense of humor! looks like a great one--and I'm glad you're still together! :-D

  7. Well if the workshop ius anything like this promo, I'm going to have the best time ever! Looking forward to it Roz!!!!! =)

  8. Unfortunately Jeanette the class isn't as funny as the promo. I found that in order to get all the information I wanted to get into the classes, within the time frame they gave me (10 to 15 minutes per lesson--I went over on all of them I think), that being my normal funny self was impossible.

    But the information is the thing. I think the four classes provide some good information that people can really work at. Then everyone can chuckle.

    So to everyone who signed up just know that besides having a sense of humor I'm also a pusher. I like to push people. I think the handouts will help. (It was one way to cut down on what I wanted to get on video-- by writing about it.)

    The great thing about this format is that these classes are going to be up until August so people can work at them all (the other two workshops as well) at their own pace, absorbing and testing as they have time.

    I hope someday to find a photographer (and camera) who/that can follow me around the room! When I finished these I thought, never again, but then we started looking at them and realized that by workshop 4 we were just starting to get the hang of it.

    As I said, someday, with a different photographer and camera. I'm even thinking of making a film of me making books. But I want to keep my relationship with Dick free stress!

    Jeanette, it's funny, originally I was asked if I would go first and I said sure, as it didn't matter to me, and then the order changed and I was OK with that because I had a rather rough summer and fall with interruptions and the extra deadline time would take the pressure off. I never realized it would fall around IFJM in my mind as I was doing it all so far in advance. But I'm actually glad it worked out this way as well!

    Thanks for all the feedback.

    My other video dream is that someday I can visit Kate and interview her on film and tape her painting! I think that would make a wonderful video. I have been a fan of her work for so long that it would make me very, very happy.

    (Shhh! I haven't brought this up with Kate yet!)

  9. Great do I sign up
    Eddie omens in San Diego
    Be well

    1. Sorry, Eddie, notice the date on Roz's post...2011! I don't know if she put her videos on YouTube or not, but mine from my 2012 Strathmore workshop are there. You can find them here:


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