
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Travel Kits for Journaling

Very short and sweet - so you can still concentrate on Cathy's wonderful post today.
See my blog for some great KIT ideas including my favorite - and a new workshop that starts tomorrow:



  1. Oooh, thank you, Jessica, we are ALWAYS interested in how to carry our kit and what to take along. Great link!

  2. I went to your site to read about the kit and clicked on the "Just a few catchups" post while I was there. Firefox informed me that it had blocked 54 pop-ups!!! That seems like far too many to be intentional on your part so I thought I'd let you know.

  3. HI Anonymous, That had to have something to do with Firefox or something else weird. My blog is hosted on the Apple server at Mobile Me. It is in no way connected with the outside blogging world or anything commercial.

    I really appreciate the heads-up, but hundreds of people read that post and no one reported that experience - and believe me they would! When I have a link to an outside page (like the Workshop pages etc.), I always set them to come up in a separate window so you don't have to leave the blog, and I suppose that could be read as a pop-up, but there weren't 21 links on that page, and my Firefox doesn't do it, so I guess we have a gremlin mystery!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Your link takes me to a sign in for iCloud - is this the only way to view your blog?

  6. I don't think that link went there originally, Jessica...can
    you fix please?


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