
Monday, July 11, 2011

Plein Air "Workstation" for "On the Grounds at the Elms"

Elms Sketchcrawl - Plein Air

I hope all of you are enjoying your copy of Kate's "Artists's Journal Workshop" as much as I am!  It's an incredible resource, and I'm awed by the talent and information in the book.

It occured to me that I had a photo of my watercolor setup for the "On the Grounds at the Elms" sketch, so I thought it would be fun to post it here.  Also, here's a link to the photo on my Flickr site:



  1. Thank you. I always enjoy a peek at what other artists use.

  2. Elva: You're welcome, and thanks for the comment. I agree--it's fun to see what other folks use!

  3. Steve, thank you, it's a delight to see this! I hope you can make it up to join us again this year.

  4. Steve,
    Thanks for sharing. I checked out your Flickr site and your artwork is wonderful. I wouldn't have known about it if you hadn't posted. Great inspiration for all of us. Thanks.

  5. Kate: Thanks! I intend to make it to your area this year; maybe when the weather's a little cooler! :)

    Kay: You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed the artwork.

  6. you are like my child, she love art and for that reason I bought her a entire art kit, so when we are out she can take the kit and make a master piece in the way, or well in the place we are.


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