
Sunday, July 17, 2011

A reminder and an invitation...

Hi all!  We DO have a facebook group for artists who keep journals, and we'd be delighted to have you join us!  It's the same name as this blog, to keep things simple, and you're welcome to add images from your own journal, make comments and ask questions! 

You'll find it HERE...

Come play!


  1. The painting you posted yesterday is beautiful, you really captured the mood.

  2. I am just about finished reading your new book Artist's Journal Workshop, cover to cover. It is simply wonderful. My plan is to finish the first reading than go back and read it again, this time doing some of the exercises you have included. You seem to have captured the whole journal experience in it's many manifestations. It really is a workshop in a book!

  3. Thank you both! Diane, I'm delighted you like it...have you joined our Facebook group? I'd love to see what you do.

  4. Wonderful, is better for you to share your posts in facebook, many people look in facebook first than other pages except google.


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!