
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

New Video on homemade watercolor boxes!

It took forever to upload, guess it's pretty big but here it is...spilled coffee and all!


  1. I love seeing your many pallets!! This was great! :):)

  2. Great video, Kate! The coffee made it even better--now I'm inspired to muddle around with little metal boxes over my next cup of coffee.

  3. Nice video, goofs and all. You give me some very good ideas and now I am itching to put them into practice.

    Thanks a bunch,


  4. Thanks for the very informative video on altering palettes. What adhesive works best to hold the half pans and full pans into the bottom of the metal and/or plastic palettes? The blue tack is such a good idea to hold the water container. I assume you can get that at an art store?

  5. Thanks, all! Maria, I couldn't believe I did that! Oh well...

    Kay, I wish I'd said that! I use good old rubber cement to hold the pans in's light weight, and if I want to change out a pan it's a simple matter to remove one, put a dot of cement on a new one and drop it in. You can get blue tack in art supply stores as well as hardware stores and many discount stores. A package will last forever! (Some people use it to attach their paint pans, but it would add too much weight, for me.)

  6. I love taking a peek over your shoulder at your different watercolor boxes! I like the blue tack suggestion as well - especially after balancing everything on my knee last time I painted outside. The video was awesome - goofs and all!

  7. Thanks, Elizabeth! Mine are certainly human, aren't they! Liz Steel was the one who told me about blue tack for that, I think--thanks, Liz!

  8. Yet another informative video Kate. I love your trick of using the wax paper to draw on for a resist. I'm going to try that for sure. Thanks!

  9. God bless you for being so real :) Great video, Kate!

  10. thank you, I just love your little videos!

  11. I wonder if it´s possible to change watercolors that has dried in other jars- big lumps... And somehow transfer them over to smaller plates... I do want to make those watercolor-boxes to be able to bring with me too!!

    Please advice since it´s so expencive to buy all new Winsor & Newtons..,

    Thank You in advance,


  12. Pam, it's entirely too much work to be phony! And thanks, all, glad you like!

    Tina, I'd spray down your lumps of paint with clear water and then cover with a damp paper towel for a day or so. That should soften them enough to move from one box to another. You're right, I wouldn't want to waste them either!

  13. What a great video Kate! You're so inspiring. And you have some really great things in miniature in those boxes. I especially love the tac to hold down the water jar and the tiny, weeny ink pen. As always, thanks for posting! :-)

  14. Cathy~ I have had several of your books in my studio library for a long time. I just discovered this blog and really enjoyed your video about making watercolor kits. I also love little boxes, so I'm sure I have some hiding around here that would make great travel kits! Thanks for sharing!

  15. So glad you both enjoyed it! Fay, it's really fun to make your own custom box...even though I love some of my old ones, mostly Winsor & Newton, but one little Kremer and one Schmincke...

  16. Great video on travel paint sets Kate! I loved seeing all your different ideas. I learned a few new tips too!

  17. Thank you, Richard! I'm just getting geared up to do a new post with a thanks to YOU, on the palette cups. Work great!


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