
Saturday, September 10, 2011

where the fun begins . . .

where the fun begins . . . by vickylw
where the fun begins . . ., a photo by vickylw on Flickr.
Finally finished binding some new art journals this week. I've actually felt a bit "lost" not having one to grab and sketch in.

The two upper ones are Coptic stitched, both having a heavier 140 # watercolor paper in them which holds up well with this open binding.

The lower left one contains nideggen paper, a print paper I've always wanted to try. Because it is so much thinner, I also added some pages of Fabriano Tiziano toned paper --- scraps of both were used to bind the mini journal.

The landscape oriented journal is Fabriano 90 # soft press --- a paper I love but it's grain runs opposite, so I bind it in this format to get the most pages out of a sheet of paper.

I found some cardstock stickers at Hobby Lobby to stick to the fronts, making it easy to tell front from back. But some actually covers goofs --- The cover paper was from a Daniel Smith sale and was a bit thin, showing glue spots in places. The upper part of the tan bookcloth stained as well, perhaps from the green paper's dye running. Maybe it gives the book character??


  1. Bravo! These look yummy. Looking forward to seeing journal entries :)

  2. It is so nice to work on real watercolor paper again! The journal I just completed was Stonehenge and Mi-tientes --- I was curious about both but not fond of either.

  3. These are just GORGEOUS, Vicky, wonderful job. I can't believe in my recent bookbinding flurry I didn't put ANY HP paper in any of them. Now I'm going to need to bind more books before I'm out, even!

    Wouldn't it be nice to find a good watercolor paper in terrific colors? I'm not thrilled with the pale, wimpy hues that are usually offered!

  4. Hard to believe you don't have a journal with HP paper! How could that happen?
    I prefer soft press the most but can't find it anywhere by the sheet except when I'm in Austin. (Just can't justify buying the 10 sheets minimum order) -- so I settle for CP.
    And YES! it would be awesome to have the lovely earthy shades of Mi-tientes in a REAL watercolor paper!

  5. I have NO idea! Usually I have at least a third of it HP!! I like soft press too...hard to find. Sorry you didn't like the Mi-Tientes, I end up using it a fair amount for those toned paper pieces!

  6. I LOVE the weight and subtle colors of Mi-Tientes -- especially the heather-looking ones; I just don't like the results I got with it. I think it's more about my inexperience.

  7. Lovely books, looks like you will have enough sketchbooks for at least a week or two. I'm getting ready to bind some of the softpress into a journal finally. Can't wait to try it out.

  8. Yeah, they should last at least that long!

    I love Fabriano Softpress' being like an in-between between cold press and hot press. Too bad it's so hard to find.

  9. I love these journals Vicky! Especially the peacock feather patterned covers. :-) You're inspiring me to FINALLY make a few of my own.

  10. The peacock feather paper is my favorite as well, though I wasn't sure if the feathers should point up or down. Silly to be so detail-worried . . .

    Hope you enjoy the process as well as using journals that are truly your own!

  11. Gorgeous! This peacock feather pattern is very cool. :D


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