
Sunday, October 30, 2011 will LOVE this video.

It's Voyage to Egypt by Viaggi Dell'Elefante and I SO wish I could understand his language...

There are a LOT of other videos (not all sketches), so if you go to YouTube, check them out!


  1. wow this is amazing. how beautiful. it makes me feel as if I'm there. thank you for sharing this treasure. love,Diana

  2. O MY!
    YOu are soooo right! What an awesome video! Was he speaking Italian? I loved his work! How do you do that?!? ; )

  3. Hi Cathy!

    The artist's name is Stefano Faravelli and he IS amazing. You can see more of his work here:

  4. This is so wonderful! Beautiful sketches and photography! Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Is that Stefano's work?? I saw some of his stills on Flickr. YUM. I do wish I could understand the Viaggi Dell'Elefante is a tour operator?

  6. And Lotus, I don't know for sure if that's Italian...sounds like it. Anyone??

  7. Thanks for posting this video! I love watching artists sketch so I can learn more.

    If you want to email him in Italian, you can use Yahoo's Babel Fish to translate your message, then copy and paste it. If he replies, you can translate his message on Bable Fish.


  8. I think Viaggi Dell'Elefante organizes exotic tours.

  9. Yes, definitely what it appears to be. Thanks again for all the information!

  10. The artist here is describing what he sees. He speaks of dates (40 varieties) and pigeons, which are local culinary specialities and have been for many centuries. The ruins of this city are now merely inhabited by bats. The archeologist who accompanies him lightly caresses the walls of these natural bricks with the same gentle touch one would reserve for a pregnant belly. He tells him of the woods and of their inscriptions and when the sky becomes red at sundown, he returns to be a man belonging to the oasis. You can also finally see the results of two days hunting out there: there are two wonderful beetles, a female dung beetle (a type of scarab, ndr) and then this huge spider.

    These are videos sponsored by I Viaggi Dell' Elefante (The Elephant's Journeys), which is a luxury tour operator that organises holidays in exotic places. I guess it's handy to speak a few languages, no? Indeed it is Italian that the narrator is speaking. I hope this helps!

  11. Steph, thank you! How kind of your, and how interesting to know what's being said. I can speak and write a tiny bit of Spanish, but understanding other languages, especially when spoken, is beyond me. You're a doll!


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