
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy Waxing Moon

Don't you just love seeing a toothy grin up in the sky?


  1. Lots of mood, Pam. I thought of you when we just had the eclipse. You were too far east and I might have had a chance but we were smothered in fog.

  2. Thanks, Elva!! You've been posting some great things of late. My schedule hasn't allowed me to see anything other than thumbnails... I so love your art and words! I promise to catch up with you.

  3. Beautiful journal page! I usually include the date on my pages but the time and temperature is over the top!

  4. Thanks, Kim! It's fun to compare weather happenings when looking back through my journals :)

  5. Oh my gosh I adore you, an every single thing here, I scrapbook, I take photos, and trying to get back into sketching, which I adore...and well gosh I love your blog, I thank Anthony for knowledge of it

  6. Thank you, Lorraine and glad you found us here! The perfect resource to get you sketching!


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