
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sketch and Taxes...

Amazing how useful our journals can be, even when working on our taxes...we don't always remember when this medical visit was, or that trip to the camera store...

...but if I can find the sketch in my journal, and the date, we figure backwards from there!  Joseph had actually forgotten a couple of trips to the doctor, but there they were, recorded and dated with my sketches...

My journal really IS a journal, and a diary, and a record of days--nice that it's so useful that way!  (And the easiest way to find some of these?  My Flickr account!)


  1. It really HAS been! I normally sketch at doctor's offices, during tests or my husband's surgeries to pass the time, or to keep calm...or just because it's interesting. It's nice to use those sketches to confirm medical expenses and travel!

  2. That is so cool! I do that, too, with my flickr pictures, mostly photos rather than drawings, but even my drawings and doodles have served a similar purpose. I can look back at old pages either in the books themselves or on flickr, and remember where I was when I drew that page. So neat!

  3. Thank you! Yes, it's not only handy, but more fun than poking through a file folder of receipts!


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