
Friday, February 24, 2012

Flickr, Facebook, Urban Sketchers and the world!

Back when I first got started sharing my art online, there was just Yahoogroups,...and then Flickr, and my online classes...and then blogs, and Facebook...and it's a brand new world that's opened before us.  Sometimes I'm overwhelmed, sometimes humbled, and always challenged.

I LOVE seeing art from all over the world, and getting to know people in Singapore, Tokyo, Brazil, Spain, Ireland, Scotland, Egypt, India, England, Canada, Sweden, and more...

Being included in Danny Gregory's An Illustrated Life: Drawing Inspiration from the Private Sketchbooks of Artists, Illustrators and Designers, writing my own Artist's Journal Workshop and inviting a number of my favorites to share their work and words, and now being part of Gabi Campanario's wonderful The Art of Urban Sketching: Drawing On Location Around The World, I'm astounded at how my horizons have expanded in such a relatively short time.

The other day I was re-reading Urban Sketching and thinking about the amazing people I've "met"--some in person, most through our art and words online.  I'm not the hermit I once was...

Thank you all for the inspiration...and if you don't see your name here, I just ran out of time and space, and my brain finally melted!  I know you're out there...


  1. I am so deeply grateful that the internet has introduced me to people like you who share so many interests and values. My life is much richer for it!

  2. As is mine, Jeanette! I wouldn't have thought of a sketchcrawl group if the idea hadn't been presented online, or met all of you guys!

  3. I'm sure anyone on that list would tell you, Kate, that we're lucky to have "met" you.... thank YOU for your generosity and constant encouragement! You're a true teacher and inspiration!

    Nice kitty kat!

  4. well said Kate... and Jeanette and Steven. I am so privileged to have met you Kate, (and of course Joseph too!)... it makes it all so much more real and inspirational to be able to match the real person with their art. My life too has changed so much through all the online groups! (I am not as much of a hermit anymore too!) Thanks for all your generosity... I have learnt so much and been inspired so much from you!!!

  5. I read your book "Artist's journal Workshop" and visited your blog. I love you book. I started to draw and make journal with my son. Thank you!

  6. Great post, Kate! I am also very grateful to the internet for connecting me with such amazing artists around the world. They have been so kind, friendly and inspiring.

  7. Thanks, has been quite a ride, hasn't it? I LOVE it. I am sure I am a better person for having met all of you...and have been influenced, intrigued, inspired and instructed. Again, thank you...

  8. Ditto to all of the above! We can get entrenched in our daily lives, but now a the click of a button, we can travel off to visit our friends and still make dinner on time... well sometimes dinner's on time! Thank you, Kate, for bringing me into the fold! Thank you all for your inspiration and sharing hearts!

  9. Another ditto to all! I am so thankful for this expanded and growing family of artists who share so much with each other. And Kate, your willingness to pass it on has blessed us all.

  10. Vicky, that was one of the first things I picked up on this journey through life...a very kind art director helped me learn the tricks of the trade, though he didn't have a job open, then told me I could say I'd "worked with him" by way of experience. It was at a time when I couldn't get experience without a job, and couldn't get a job without experience! I asked what I could do to thank him, and he said "just pass it on." Shortly after, I got a job, and I've been passing along help ever since.

    And Pam, it's amazing, isn't it!


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