
Friday, March 2, 2012

Use Color Fearlessly: A Color Theory Workshop

Above: Selection of paintings from Roz Stendahl, demonstrating her approach to color using a variety of media.
August 9 through 12, 2012 I'll be teaching a color theory workshop at the Midwest Art and Lettering Retreat. This four-day event is organized by the Colleagues of Calligraphy but is open to everyone. For details about the workshop please see my blog post Roz Wound Up: Use Color Fearlessly.

Besides being open to non-calligraphers this workshop is open also to artists of all skill levels. We will focus on blending colors from a limited palette of watercolors in order to understand the relationship of the colors. Students will develop a working understanding of color through experimentation and guided exercises which are chosen to provide useful color information regardless of drawing or painting expertise. This workshop will equip students with the skills needed to develop a personalized palette. I hope you will consider spending a bit of your summer in Minnesota exploring color with me.


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!