
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

on joining the gypsies . . .

on joining the gypsies . . . by vickylw
on joining the gypsies . . ., a photo by vickylw on Flickr.
If I run away and join the gypsies, I need to learn how to tie a decent scarf head-covering, right?

Actually, I was working out my tears and frustration in my journal over losing my hair. An eczema scalp-rash plus the trauma the vertigo put my body through the past 3 months is causing my hair to fall out. The dermatologist thinks it will all come back in, but in the meantime I'm pretty upset about it. Drawing some possible temporary solutions helps me deal with it -- an excellent reason to keep an art journal, I've found.

BTW, I have not had any more vertigo or dizziness for the past 3 weeks. Looks like it is gone, thank God.


  1. Hi Vicky, A lot of times the meds you take cause the loss of hair.. and it will grow back. No, I'm no medic, just a woman who can understand how you might be feeling... I deal with a panic disorder from shock/trauma, that was at first diagnosed as probable vertigo.
    Journaling is a good way to deal with our emotions.. hugs, BJ

  2. Hello, BJ! I haven't been taking any meds to cause this, just an overly-stressed immune system. I am VERY grateful that it is temporary and my hair will grow back.
    So sorry to hear of your troubles -- hope things are improving now. I haven't heard of it being like vertigo; mine is an inner-ear thing. Hugs and blessings right back at ya!

  3. Auuugh, that IS frustrating! Glad the dermatologist thinks it will come back. Thank God for stress reliever I know, coupled with a grateful heart.

    1. Thank God is right! It could be so much worse than it is. The topical steroids I was given to treat the rash are working, scarves and hats are a fun thing, and there's hope of hair in the future. Grateful!!

      This morning, I had my hair chopped off short, sort of a 20's flapper style with bangs --- less length for the new hair to grow when it starts coming in. I haven't had short hair since grade school!

    2. Can't wait to SEE you! Sounds really cute. I keep threatening to do likewise...

    3. DON'T YOU DARE!!! I LOVE your gorgeous silvery locks.

    4. And my haircut would look better if 1/4 of my hair weren't missing at present. :^)

    5. Pretty much what Joseph says, with the addenda that if I cut mine, he'll cut his! Um...never mind. And thank you!

      I'm guessing they did check your thyroid? An imbalance can cause hair loss...

    6. He kept asking about thyroid symptoms -- I also asked my daughter who had thyroid trouble before pregnancy (the pregnancy oddly "fixed" hers). No imbalance there.

  4. And by the way, I love your adorable drawings!

    1. *GG* I was looking at photos on a web site when I sketched these.

    2. Very cute! The line work is lovely...

  5. You have my heartfelt sympathies. Unless you are already familiar with it, you might want to look into the new info about the negative effect of wheat consumption on your immune system, etc. Dr. Davis' Wheat Belly book and/or blog is a good place to start. (He explains why the newer strains of wheat are part of the problem.) An experimental trial of avoiding wheat is certainly low risk.

    1. Thanks for the heads-up! I didn't know wheat could do this but I'm not surprised. I've greatly reduced wheat / grains in my diet in the past 6 months anyway -- this gives me added incentive to keep with it.

    2. I keep meaning to get hold of that book, despite the fact that I already KNOW wheat and I aren't going to be best friends any more! Guess we never were...

      I've read that the current strains of wheat have little resemblance to the historic stuff, but even so, health has declined since its introduction.

  6. I like the scarf that is tied on the side with the tails hanging down. Hope and pray the hair comes back.

  7. I like it too, Nancy --- just hope It doesn't look stupid on me. Thanks for praying!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear of your difficulties. Life takes us to so many places we just don't expect to go, doesn't it. I think your idea of a short cut is wonderful, and scarves and hats are so in now, you'll be right in fashion. Thank you for sharing your work and inspiration.

    1. Thanks so much for your encouraging comments! My on-line friends, both old and new, are so valuable as I go through the unknown.


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