
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ups and Downs

The gift of a soft, rainy day, and the gift of a new IS good.

But not without its challenges...

One of the most important things about my journal is that it's a place to record the days--which was part of what the root word meant--the daily-ness of it.  We remember more fully, we deal with adversity, we celebrate, we find a sense of humor when we need it.  We play.  We express gratitude.  We explore.

I can't imagine doing without this...


  1. Oh,Cathy! I'm so sorry that you have to use a walker. But you art is wonderful as always! You inspire me so much.
    I have taken your quick sketching classes and I love them and your teaching style!
    Keep up the good work!
    Cindy B

    1. Thank you, Cindy, you're very kind! This will be temporary, I'm sure...

  2. I have a friend that's been going thru a rough time over the last year or so, she was so weak she was in a wheel chair... her cancer has gone in remission and this Saturday she attended the breakfast with her new walker... we were all THRILLED to see her on her feet again... and thanking God for her recovery... I'll keep you in my prayers too Kate... believing for healing that will park that walker in the corner gathering dust.

    1. Elaine, I am SO GLAD. And thank you...mine mostly DO gather dust, but I'm grateful to have them when I need them!

  3. How lovely that you make beautiful art out of your adversity! You inspire me in many, many ways. I recently purchased your ebook on Journaling and I love it! I'm sending you prayers and healing thoughts.

    1. Thank you so much! I know prayers help..and I'm delighted you like the book.

  4. My sympathy! I've been feeling bummed because kneeling is hard. I've got it good compared to you. Thank heavens you head and hands can still be hard at work.

    1. Thanks, Elva--but I've got it good compared to a lot of people! It WILL get better, and after all it's just pain.

  5. Journaling is something new to me,I started about 4/5 months ago and have found it so helpful as I came to terms with more cancer, surgery then complications and also I like writing about wet days,sunsets, walks on the beach and how they make me feel. these days are what I look back on ,on my bad days.I have now a diary for life business things and my journal for me things.And carry the 2 around together all the time.

    1. Faye, I am SO glad you've found it helpful--me too, for so many things. I'm sorry you have to deal with the challenges you've been given, but your obvious courage and great attitude will be a huge help, I know. Looking back on those good days is WONDERFUL, isn't it!

      Have you read Gwen Diehn's latest book? It's Live & Learn; Real Life Journals, and it's in our bookshelf here. I'm re-reading it now, and it's given me lots of new ideas!


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