
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Referencing all those journals - the lazy way

An 8 1/2 x 11 page of thumbnails from one of my journals
I recently had reason to refer to something in an old journal, and it took me only 3 minutes to find it.  Knowing you journallers as I do, you, too have many, many volumes to keep track of.  I know there are people who have the discipline to number pages and create indexes but that's not me, and that's not how I recall information.....I recall events by the pictures I drew of them.  So, upon completing each journal, I photograph the cover and all the pages and print a contact sheet with thumbnails of every page.  I label the pages and pop them into a binder, divided by category (regular journal, garden journal, travel, etc.)  I can flip through those pages and find what I want very quickly!


  1. What a great idea! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Jeanette, that's absolutely brilliant! I often use my Flickr images to find something I need, but I don't scan or upload everything. Yours is a much better plan, thank you.

  3. FABULOUS idea, Jeannette!!!!!

  4. What an excellent idea. Thanks for sharing.

  5. love this idea, thanks for the beautiful art that you do.

  6. Ooooo, my tired and often absent memory loves this idea :)

  7. This is a wonderful idea.

  8. this is precious! I use flickr sets to find things - but this is really a great substitute!

  9. Great idea! I too sometimes go looking for a page. This would be quite helpful!

  10. Good idea. I'm only a few sketchbooks in to this reclaimed hobby so I could go back and do this. I would use MS Publisher to make the index. I do scan everything, so I have them all by date and type in folders on my PC. In fact, that might just be good enough.

  11. Goodness - you are organised ! I like the idea of the thumbnails on the front,- Great idea and I would like to try that. But I am not organised enough to index. I upload my drawings everyday drawing onto flickr and began to tag them all . I am a librarian - but definitely not a cataloguer

  12. This is such a splendid idea! A lot of my journals are in storage right now, on the other side of the continent, but I'm going to start doing this with the ones I have handy.


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