
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Artist's Journal Workshop

Spring, Oh Where Art Thou?2013_03_28_kokuyo_01Mar27ArtPeople on train to PerthPaddock, back of schoolSean at Karate
10-03-13USK France - Le carnet " Maisons, cabanes, villas..."RainforestFebruary 2013: Muir WoodsFebruary 2013: Muir WoodsFebruary 2013: Muir Woods
Day 33  Dark FaeriesMar26ArtTree cave Torquay Victoria AustraliaBig223.17.13 Beidler Forest Sketches09-03-13b
Mar25ArtSomething new...Day 32  Recess FriendsSaturday morning breakfastFamily visit on sunday afternoonThe Cover of my current sketchbook
Artist's Journal Workshop, a group on Flickr.
Lots of lovely work in our Flickr group! If you keep an artist's journal--or want to!--please feel free to join us!

Just look at how many new pieces have shown up there in just a couple of days.  I'm working on a slideshow to put on the blog, too...

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