
Saturday, July 13, 2013

accordian-fold 'granny nanny' journal

I just returned from the second of two trips to Texas to provide childcare for some of our grandkids. For each trip, I sketched in one side of this accordian-fold journal, which I bought from Cathy 'Kate' Johnson on eBay last year -- I call it my 'granny nanny' journal.

The first side was done in March when our eldest son took a group of students to Alaska on a mission trip and I helped out at home with his kids, Jayna, Josiah, and Judah. Now I have just returned from Texas again -- this time staying with our daughter's daughter, Mikala, while her parents were in Scotland.

side 1 - early March in Richmond, TX
side 2 - June in northwest Houston
This journal form especially worked well when Mikala wanted me to draw her new kitten, Oreo. At 9 months old, this Maine Coon cat is already as large as my over-sized 11 year old Maine Coon, Bearcat! We decided that he was too big for one page to contain him . . . . so he takes up 3 pages, along with sketches from her volleyball workshop and a day we picked blackberries:

Individual sketches can be seen on my blog, in the March 2013 and June / July 2013 entries. I also took a watercolor Moleskine with me --- haven't finished posting the sketches from it yet.


  1. I loved seeing this! You did such cool things with the little journal...

  2. It was fun to work in, and that paper was gorgeous!

    1. Wasn't it?? I LOVED Fabriano's CP paper before the change...used it for years. Soft Press is similar, but not quite the same...

  3. Love this accordian fold! Your journals are gorgeous!

    1. Thank you! Kate actually made the journal; I bought it from her.

    2. And isn't this odd, I normally get emails about posts to okay, and did not, a whole BATCH of them...I was just on Blogger's dashboard today and found a lot I'd never gotten a notice for. That's why you got a comment from 3 weeks ago.

    3. I've noticed that Blogger has been very weird lately. But then, so has Facebook. Summer faeries working their mischief, I guess.

  4. ooh - very nice. I will have to talk to you about this as I have just started using an accordion sketchbook (not a Kate Johnson special)

    1. LOL! Wouldn't it be awesome if we could talk sketchbooks together . . . face to face? I have longed to peek through your stack for a long time.

      Accordion-folds are so easy to make and lots of fun to use -- as long as you remember rubber bands or clips to hold the un-used sections together as you work. I love how other sketchers have taken full advantage of drawings spanning over 2 or more pages (I didn't do so as much as I would have liked).

  5. I love your journal ! What a special memory keeper :) I have used two Moleskine japanese album journal/sketchbooks and was looking for something better for watercolor and stumbled on your page. Could you give me the dimensions on your book and how many pages? Thanks!

  6. I'm sorry for not replying sooner, Meera! The notification went to my old email instead of my new one.
    The dimensions of this journal are 5 1/2 x 5 3/4". There are ten pages per side, counting the inside of the covers. Kate (Cathy Johnson) made this journal from Fabriano Artistico watercolor paper, 140 lb. I think --- my favorite kind of paper!


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