
Monday, January 20, 2014

moving and remembering

We are still dealing with the craziness that comes with relocating to Texas . . . and I'm sketching bits of our old home when I find time. This is a small section of the vintage kitchen Bill made that I am sadly leaving behind. We moved all my paints and inks last week when we went to close on the cabin. So I just have this simple "warms and cools" palette with me. If I remember right, the pigments are as follows:

cadmium scarlet  /  permanent rose
hansa yellow med.  /  hansa yellow light
serpentine genuine  /  sap green (not really a cool)
ultramarine blue  /  phthalo blue
quin. burnt orange  /  burnt umber
quin. gold  /  payne's gray


  1. Replies
    1. We bought a cabin near Lake Somerville, north of Brenham. We have grown children living in NW Houston, SW Houston, Austin, and Nacgodoches.

      I'm a member of Urban Sketchers Midwest; I was wondering about getting together with Urban Sketchers of Texas once we are settled. Are there any sketchers near Brenham?

    2. The closest to you would be our very small Houston group. I think there's a few folks in Austin also. Tim and the other active sketchers are in Dallas/Ft Worth. So yes, we'd be the closest here.

    3. Thanks! Once we settle in, I'd love to meet up some time if the Houston group is getting together for a sketchcrawl.

      One of the things I'll miss most are the sketchcrawls with Kate (Cathy Johnson) and the others in our little group near Kansas City.

  2. That would be hard to leave, indeed. It's SO beautiful...but what a wonderful record!

    1. This only shows about a third of the kitchen, not counting the oak sideboard I drew earlier. Bill did such gorgeous custom work! VERY hard to leave it behind.

  3. Oh my...moving, relocating, leaving, going...I'm facing the same thing, hopefully, this spring. Your kitchen looked to be amazing and am so glad you're an artist and can put color to paper and take it with you.
    Change is, other than Christ, the only constant in life but the knowing doesn't make it easier. I pray you'll find as much comfort and love in your new location as you did in the old.

    1. Sandra, I'm, so glad you commented . . . so I could find your lovely blog! I'm sorry for your loss; I pray that the Lord blesses your relocation as much as He has blessed ours.
      The truth that change is a constant thing in life has really been drummed into us in the last 15 years, but God has been with us each step of the way, as He will with you.

  4. Thanks, Jerry. Blessings to you as well!


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