
Friday, April 25, 2014

Exploring unusual tools

I like to explore different techniques and materials in my journal--and might as well choose a fun subject!  This is Bearlie, a sister-bear to the one I sent my older sis for her birthday recently.  This time, I didn't do any preliminary drawing before jumping in with watercolor.  At lower left, I used a flexible nib Noodler's pen and their Lexington Gray ink.  At right, an old brown Micron Pigma with a black one for Bearlie's features.  The paper is WN watercolor paper, a bit lighter weight than what I normally use--you can tell it buckled a little.
Sometimes it's fun to paint with a raggedly little oil-painter's bristle brush--I often use this for spatter, but since this teddy is SO fuzzy I thought I'd try it for her fur!  These are the new QoR watercolors I've been testing--mostly, here, the Naples Yellow, Burnt Sienna, and Cobalt.

I sharpened the end of the brush with an X-acto knife to use as another tool--almost like an ink pen.

Here it is in action...

I did use a brush for the eyes, nose, and mouth, as well as the pads on her feet and hands--I have a bit more control.

The new Sharpie EF white waterproof marker worked well for eye-sparkles and light-struck's got acrylic paint in it, so once it dries you can paint over it. (I tried the oil base one but didn't like it--it soaked into the paper!)

Remember, your journal is a great place to PLAY and try out different tools, mediums, and approaches.  Mine gets a lot of use like that...


  1. I just love the idea of the oil brush for fur! Would never have thought of that. Thanks.

  2. Gotta love those mini bears. They are so fun! I need to get myself one one of these days... got a question: with your sharpened brush end, did you use ink or watercolour?

  3. Both, this case, watercolor. Jessica, thank you! Have fun!

  4. Looks like you had some fun and a great outcome to boot!

  5. I love this. Thanks for sharing your process!

  6. Great ideas, and such a cute little bear!

  7. What a fun little bear - thanks for the tips

  8. A very inspiring post. I like the tip about creating a tip on the end of the paintbrush. Cute bear!

  9. ...yer teddy looks well cuddlesome, I have a similar white ink pen, t'is a useful lil tool :-D


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