
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gwen Diehn's new blog

Hi all--if you don't know it already, Gwen Diehn, one of the best journal keepers and authors out there, has a brand new blog!  I've added the link to our Links We Like in the sidebar, but I wanted to call it to your attention, too!  It's called Real Life Journals, like her newest book, and it looks like a winner!

I also love her other two books, The Decorated Journal: Creating Beautifully Expressive Journal Pages and The Decorated Page: Journals, Scrapbooks & Albums Made Simply Beautiful, both of which have a permanent place in my library.  I've re-sold or given away a lot of books, but these two stay close at hand--I refer back to them frequently. 

Oh, yes, and don't miss Live & Learn: Real Life Journals: Designing & Using Handmade Books, which I also have and highly recommend.  You can find it in our Bookshelf section in the sidebar!


  1. I'm a huge Gwen Diehn fan! One of the very first books I bought of an artsy nature was her "Decorated Page". Then I got "decorated Journal" and finally bought her latest book, too. I've already tried 2 of the book forms from the new book and loved both. Some of her book forms are types I haven't seen elsewhere.

  2. I hope to see them soon, Jeanette! And yep, I love all of Gwen's inspiring!

  3. I'm a fan too! I gaze longingly at all that stunning art in her two Decorated Jornal and Page books! I own a copy of each.


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