
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Evolving pages...

Journal pages evolve and take on a new life from what you'd originally envisioned.  This was going to be a very rough, quick sketch of the pods I found in a couple of square yards behind my shed, but I got fascinated by shapes and textures and ended up doing much more detail than I'd planned.  I thought it would be fun to do the shadows, though...and then, of course, some lettering for the date, and the notes and block of color to the right, and a border, and spatters, and.....................

Then I kept looking at that rich maroon of the vinca leaf--it had twined up the tree and made berries for the first time I'd noticed...

And it just seemed to need that touch of color.  So...I added the maroon leaves and raw sienna berry husks, and then a little warm spatter to pick up the maroon, and punched up the lettering, and....

I THINK I'm done, but who knows.  Yesterday I went back and tweaked a page I did weeks ago!


  1. Lovely!

    "Journal pages evolve and take on a new life from what you'd originally envisioned." So true, and what makes it so addicting.

    (I'm still having trouble posting a comment. It's having trouble showing the word verification feature.)

  2. I DO like that, you're right...never quite knowing ahead of time...

    And sorry about the comment problem, actually I didn't think I had the word verification activated. You should just be able to post...??

  3. This is a beautiful page. You are such an inspiration to me & all new nature journalists.
    I really LOVE your work..

  4. Thank you, very much! I hope you post yours somewhere...

  5. Great page, Cathy! I love hearing how a page is created...your pages always flow so beautifully.

  6. And I just did a complete stinker today, Serena! It may "flow" right on over into a collage!


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