
Saturday, February 5, 2011

I forgot my sketchbook home

I usually carry my sketchbook with me. But sometimes it's not where I thought I put it :)
Then I sketch on whatever I find - from napkins and paper towels to ruled notebook pages and margins of the magazine or newspaper. When I get home I scotch-tape them in my current journal. For example - today when I finished my run a little earlier I had a chance to observe birds of the wetlands for a few minutes - but no sketchbook. Hence - scrap paper drawings :)


  1. They're terrific! And yes, I draw on whatever I can find, if I'm unprepared. Tape or glue works just fine!

  2. How cool! I've sketched on odds and ends, but have never taken the step of taping them into my journal. Hmmmmm......

  3. Laure, Liz Steel makes these clever flaps, taping down the addition on just one side so you can fold it back if you want. It's like adding another page!


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