
Friday, February 18, 2011

Got new journals bound...

We all seem to be of two minds about a brand new, pristine journal, especially a handbound one!  Since I make my own, it may be a tiny bit less of an issue, but sometimes we're a little intimidated by that First Blank Page.  Clean, snowy paper.  Full of possibilites...full of.....................blank paper!

What do YOU do to get past that fear of white paper?  I wrote a whole article about that once, and if I can find it, I'll post it!

You saw Fred Crowley's opening page last week; Liz Steel often sketches her current paint set as a first page...if you've got a tradition like that, go for it! 

Add a quote you like, and illustrate it. 

Draw the first thing that comes to mind.

Or skip a few pages, and let the journal itself tell you what to put there.

Do be sure to add contact info either in the front or back of your journal so it can be returned to you if lost.  I know several people who have been VERY glad they did that.

Personally?  I'm excited about having all these choices, now, and can't wait to finish the last three pages in the one I'm using!


  1. I know that I think a bit different than most people. I don't have trouble starting a journal. It is those last few pages that get me. I usually have two or three pages not finished. I can't seem to go back later to finish either. Your journals look so inviting.

  2. Well, you have been busy! I don't have trouble with a white page, have pen (or marker or pastel) and it will travel. I love drawing near to the end of a journal and look forward to acquiring the next one.

  3. Lisa, sometimes I have the same problem! In fact many of my journals have a page or two...maybe we should use them as an index! And Patti, you're right, I have been! Glad to year you have such a forward-looking attitude...

  4. I do have the first-pages block. I just start a little way in and then go back later and use those first pages. I do like the idea of a title page! Hadn't thought of that. I don't mind jumping around either. And I thought I was the only one who had difficulty using those last few pages! I get them done eventually, but sometimes it takes a little while. Glad to be in good company :-D

  5. Deb, that works great. I love the title pages I've seen, and included several in the book. I don't often DO them, but do sometimes write a bit about my feelings about journaling, or that particular book...

  6. LOL I came to say the same thing as Lisa. I LOVE starting journals... don't like ending them (probably because there is a new one I am dying to start LOL). I like the index idea.

  7. I know a lot of artists who do an index of one sort or another...maybe we should make that a new subject of discussion!

  8. I love a new journal, its like playing with new art supplies! And it means that I recently finished one! I just get in there and do it, but I do have a ritual. I glue Robert Genn's Artist Prayer and his Artist commandments on the inside cover:

    and I write my High School motto Vincit Qui se vincit (she conquers who conquers herself) remind me that I need to not let MYself get in the way of my goals.


  9. Kate, you may have already posted this and I missed it, but I was wondering about your criteria for size, paper, binding, format, etc, in a journal. What is your favorite paper? What is your favorite binding? What is your favorite size? The journals in the picture look to be various sizes and it got me to wondering.

    I like hp watercolor paper (usually 90 lb.). Sizes vary from pocket/purse size to a little larger landscape format. I've recently taken up binding and have come to appreciate the coptic binding that stays open and flat!

    I'm enjoying this blog very much!

  10. Gina, thanks for the link, it was a good read and a good opening for your journal!

    Deb, I don't think I have said much about that, but we'll address it in a separate entry!

    I don't do coptic binding (yet), because I really like traditional case-bound books, and I'm not good enough at the stitching part to make it look good!

    I use a variety of papers because I like being challenged and I like the variety. I usually include a few toned papers, even black, but mostly use Fabriano 140 lb. cold pressed or HP paper. 140 lb. is harder to bind neatly, but it doesn't buckle at this size and it's a surface I like.


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