
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Spring's Color Song - I

Spring's Color Song - I by PJBee
Spring's Color Song - I a photo by PJBee on Flickr.

So many colors popping, so little time....

Join me as I build this journal page. This is the start to my salute to Spring. Journal pages can take many days to complete, especially if you only have to bits and pieces of time. The important thing is to grab any time you get to create, as in the end you will smile with the results :)


  1. Sweet flowers. I look forward to seeing what you add.

  2. Oh, lovely start, Pam! That's what I've been doing, too...adding to a spread over the past week. This is going to be gorgeous...

  3. Thank you Elva and Kate! I look forward to adding more myself :) My snipped goodies, red maple samaras, sweet gum blossom and male pine cones with needles are in a glass of water waiting for me. The pine sprig has waited a tad to long..... there is pollen all over my desk!


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!