
Thursday, June 23, 2011

My 'trip prep' journal

Been enjoying the posts here and especially Kate’s post recently on how you use your journal and public vs private... I wish I could say more about that...but instead I have my head down preparing for another trip.
Trip Prep 11_01 Palette Planning  {Explored}
I have a dedicated sketchbook for my ‘trip prep’ and this year I am trying to use it to contain everything associated with planning...there are so many ways that your journal can be useful in the planning stage and I am trying to make my pages visually interesting without too much here are a few pages – starting with COLOUR first (never too early to start thinking about this as I have used the last month testing a few combinations)
Trip Prep 02_To do Lists
Trying to make my ‘list’ pages a little more interesting (but don’t worry I do have pages of scribbly notes and no images as well)
Trip Prep 05a_Last years Big Trip CLothes Review
Trip Prep 05c_More thinking about clothes
I have lots of fun deciding on what clothes – I ALWAYS take more than I need so I use my journal I the hope that I will eliminate a few items.
Trip Prep 10 - In search of the perfect bag
The big decision on which bag to take – this rating system was a lot of fun and had some interesting results.

For more random prep check out the set on my flickr or blog.
As for using your sketchbook to lose weight... I will have to find time to share all my secrets there in the next week or so....


  1. And my husband thinks I make detailed lists before a trip. Ha.. I will have to show him this. You have given me some inspiration here. :)

  2. I would have a lot more time to do things if I didn't do all these pages...but I would miss out on the fun...and these pages and preparation ARE fact a major part of the fun of travelling for me is all the preparations!

  3. SHEER MAGIC, Liz. I'm so glad you do them...much better than a list, and they must add to the anticipation wonderfully!

  4. By the way, we'll wait patiently for your return and hope you'll tell us more about not only your trip and what worked for you, but more on how you use your journal!

  5. I've been following along with this! I am in total awe!!!

  6. How to lose weight. Draw instead of eating! Ha ha.

  7. Ha. I've tried it, Indiana! Still round...

  8. Brilliant! I need to plan a trip just so I can do this kind of pages!

  9. Can one ever find the perfect bag? I know I am forever in search of it. If you find it, please let me know! I should do one of those clothing charts next time I travel.

  10. This is so funny! Never saw a trip planning like this before. Amazing, Liz! :D
    Oh, how to find the perfect bag... this is hard. Hahaha! I love bags, I wish I could use all of them at the same time. The problem is that I carry too much stuff, I should reduce the stuffing of mine. Maybe a planning like this would help me out. :) Gonna try.

    Thanks for sharing! :D


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