
Sunday, June 12, 2011

New book in Kindle edition!

Well this is interesting! You can get the new book on Kindle, right NOW--one of my students is reading it (bound copies are still a week or two out.) I'm not knowledgeable about these things, but looks like it's available for iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry, PC and Mac, AND they let you read the first chapter free. Cool!
Has anyone tried it that way?  Any idea how it looks?  I gather it's not color on her Kindle...and it NEEDS color, with all that lovely art from our contributors!


  1. I just downloaded the kindle edition on my iPad and must say I don't think it was worth it because the images are not reproduced at a high rate. When you try and enlarge the images they become overly pixelated :(. I would wait for the book. Which I have already preordered. It's a shame about the images as my thought would be to enlarge them for viewing on my iPad to see more details. On a positive note the book itself is Fabulous! I can't wait to get the hard copy in my hands!

  2. Well shoot! I don't know about Kindle or iPad or any of that, since I don't own one, sorry the images aren't up to snuff! (I'd rather hold a book in my hands myself...)

  3. I'm looking forward to the new book, but having purchased a book which turned out to have illustrations, charts, etc. for my Kindle, I wouldn't even consider buying an art book in that format. I'll wait; it will be worth it.

    I LOVE my Kindle, but not for art books.

  4. I checked it out on my iPad -- it's not too bad (at least the pictures are in color!) but I do have to agree with Gina that the images could be better in a book where the art is the main focus. I'll have to wait for the paper edition...

  5. I wondered about that, Michael! No idea how big the screen is now on a Kindle...I wouldn't buy an art book for that format if I just had a black and white one, but yeah, you need color and you need to be able to see!

  6. I'm wondering when the complimentary copies will be sent. I was hoping it would be soon, since you received yours early --- but maybe we won't get ours until the purchased ones go out. maybe I should just order one?

  7. I just got my kindle edition on my iPad and it's not that bad. What I am going to like is that it will always be with me cuz my iPad os always with me., especially when traveling.

  8. Vicky, I just looked back in my North Light correspondence, and my editor said US contributors should get it around the middle of June, with those out of the country a bit later. Hope it's soon!

    Glad it looks okay on the iPad, Teri, thanks!


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