
Tuesday, July 5, 2011


As some of you know, we've been working to solve the problem CafePress threw in our laps the other day when they announced they'd no longer be producing CDs--our biggest seller!

SO....Joseph's been doing some prototypes to see if we can do it ourselves (we CAN!), and because we've changed something here or there on the cover or on how the files are organized since then, we're offering these prototypes as giveaways!

Here's the first first in the Elements of Landscape series, Painting and Drawing Trees, with a slideshow, PDFs, jpegs, and other goodies.

Make a comment here on the blog, and we'll pick the winner next Monday!  Free shipping, too.  (I'm putting this on my Fine Arts gallery blog too, but we'll compile names--we won't miss you if you sign up one place or another!)

Of course this and all the other CDs are available on my website, right now.  After all these years, I'll be closing my CafePress store at the end of July, but the CDs will be available right here:

Who needs Cafe Press??


  1. I would love a chance to win your dvd. Thanks! Marcia

  2. oh wow add me too ,please Cathy , i just received your book and am loving it also have u on my google reader , love your work....

    hugz bev

  3. Ooooooooooh, Treeeeeeeeees !!!!! My big love ....♥
    Please add me to this draw Cathy...
    Thanks so much for this generous offer (keeping everything I possibly can crossed now....hehe)

  4. What luck for us to be able to have a copy. Sorry it is at your expense. Please add me to your drawing.

  5. I would love a chance to own one of your CD's. Thank you for your kind offer.

  6. Oh, to be so lucky. I'd love to win this.


  7. Yay... That would be great to win ! Received your book this week ! relishing it leisurely !

  8. Would love a chance to win this! Great giveaway!

  9. Thank you for your generous give-away Kate. I would definitely love to win this CD

  10. I've just learned that Amazon *finally* sent out my copy of the book. Looking forward to receiving it! And it would be so great to win the DVD. Thanks for the chance.

  11. I'd love to have your TREES CD! I'm a biologist, and due to my husband's job we are currently in Amazonas Brazil! Wish I can document some of the nature that surrounds me :D

    Thanks for sharing your art Cathy!

  12. Ewwww count me in! And you're right......who needs Cafe Press??? I'd rather go through your website anyways (no middle man).

  13. Thank you for everything you do Kate!!! I started art journaling because of your Sierra Club books...I finally found what was in my heart!

  14. I'd love to learn about landscape painting.

  15. Thanks all! Cindy, hope you like it! Blueweevil, what a wonderful opportunity! And Nancy, how COOL, I'm delighted.

  16. Throw my name in the hat please... I am tree challenged and could put the CD to good use.

  17. Hi Cathy, your flickr account is what motivated me to finally begin using an RSS reader to keep track of content I like. Please enter me into the raffle! -Brandon E.

  18. Yay! Pick meeeee! \o/ I'd love to have this!

  19. Very generous offer Kate - I'd LOVE to win it!

  20. I would love to win one! Thanks so much!

  21. I would love a chance to try one of your CDs. I learned so much from your watercolor pencil book!

  22. PLease add me to your drawing! It's good to see you giving it a go on your own. Good Luck!

  23. I just picked up the your book and started following your blog and I'd love the chance to win a prototype CD!

  24. Ohhh! Yes please! I would love to be in the draw for one of your CDs!
    So glad you are doing these 'in house' now.

  25. I'd love the chance to win this CD. sign me up!

  26. Kathy, you just put out a lovely book that I am pouring over, and now you give away stuff! you rock. Please put me in the drawing! and thanks!

  27. Glad you were able to fins an alternative method to producing the CDs. What a great giveaway - I'm in!

  28. I have some of your books and I would love to have your new CD, so thank you for giving us all a chance to win a copy!

  29. I love your latest book! Enter me in the drawing.

  30. As an owner of three of your CDs I would love to add this to my collection. Thanks for making it available to us. And I am eagerly awaiting delivery of your new book from Amazon!

  31. Wow, thanks all! Love your enthusiasm...this will be fun!

  32. I'm glad you got everything sorted out with your cds and they aren't too much hassle to make yourself.

  33. You certainly don't need Cafe Press! As I said on facebook, I'm glad that you guys got it all figured out. When you get to the point you need a duplication machine, have Joseph email me and I'll walk him through making your own.


  34. Thanks Tee, I'll make sure he sees this! Carolyn, they would be too much hassle for ME, that's why I resisted until there wasn't any choice. But since J's going to do it all, I'm a happy girl!

  35. Yes please count me in. Who needs Cafe Press, go for it!

  36. Wow,this is what I call ingenuity that you all figured out how to get around this problem...and do it yourself. OF COURSE....I would LOVE to get my painterly paws on one of yourCD´s.....come on Cathy,,,,make my day:)

  37. Hope I don't end up with multiple comments! It is not my intention but blogger is being stubborn at letting me post. Love to try out your new CD. Justine

  38. Oh, that would be awesome to get. I am crossing my fingers.

  39. I've been watching some of your older videos and loving them. It would be a treat to own one and glad you have figured out a way to keep on truckin' without the Cafe.

  40. For your generous give-away, thank you. I started drawing, painting not long ago so the CD would be very useful to improve my skills. Take care

  41. Good luck selling through your website :)

  42. Oh heck yes I could use this CD! In any
    event good luck on your new distribution

  43. I would love to win your CD. Poo poo Cafe Press. Yah for Joseph!! and you too but of course. I am loving your Watercolor Tricks and Techniques. You are so generous to share everything with us. Sharon

  44. I own already 2 of your CD's (on drawing and watercolor)This one would be a great addition as I love trees! Thank you for your generosity!

  45. Count me in too. Love the trees! Hug the trees! Paint the trees!

  46. I just bought your new book and love it so far. It would be wonderful to win your CD......Barb

  47. I am enjoying your book very very much!!! I just got it today in the mail after pre-ordering it and I was jumping with happiness! Love to get a chance to win the cd!!

  48. I just found your blog yesterday, and ordered your book as well. I can't wait for it to arrive - in the meantime I'm going to have a good look through your blog :)

  49. hi i would be very pleased to win a cd, i find trees a challenge, and any help would be appreciated. thanks, heather.

  50. Ooooo, please add my name! My current trees are...kind of cookie cutter, definitely could use some character. Thanks!

  51. Your CD needs a new home at my house. Please choose me. Thanks so much. Linda C

  52. Go Joseph! Awsome of you to jump in and fill the technical need!
    Continued success to both of you!

  53. How exciting! Would love to win. Thanks for sharing all your talent with us. -- Kathy K

  54. Please count me in Kate, I'd love to win!

  55. Drawing trees are my favorite thing! I would love to win this. Thanks!

  56. I am enjoying your new book! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win the instructional CD ... Heidi T

  57. Hi Kate, I enjoy your work, was inspired by your Sierra sketching book, just finished reading Artists Journal cover to cover in one evening, and download my favorite tips from you to my phone for quick n easy reference when I'm out sketching. It would be such a treat to win your CD. Thanks for being so generous. Ambal

  58. Just the thing I need to get me drawing again! Actually, I just purchased Artist's Journal workshop this morning, with that very thought in mind! Can't wait til it gets here!

  59. I just purchased and received my copy of your book and have been really enjoying it. I would love to have a chance to win your CD!

  60. I have just finished your beautiful book, but am a newbie artist and am intimidated by the skill I saw in the wonderful sketches and journal pages. Would love to win one of your CDs. Thank you so much for the opportunity.

    Kathy G

  61. I would be thrilled to get one of your CDs. I am a newbie and have a couple of your books to learn from. The CD would be like icing on the cake - my birthday cake from Thursday. Yup, had another one, and your CDwould be a great gift!

  62. Well, since the givaway has been postponed, I'll try again to see if Blogger will let me leave a comment as anonymous this time! :-) I would LOVE to win this CD!

    Leslie Brasher

  63. I tried to post from work on 7/8 but it must have been a no-go. Hopefully I may be included in the drawing due to the glitch. I love trees and any tips on portraying them would be great!

  64. If your DVDs are anything like your books (I own most of them too) then I would enjoy the DVDs as well. Plus my friends still call me a "tree hugger" that's a bad thing! I use my books for reference and love them all! Thank you for sharing your talent with us!


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!