
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sandy Williams -- An Announcement!

I've been working feverishly on my new "Painting Animals in Gouache" class, and . . . Ta Da!  It's now available on my web site,, both as a DVD and as an immediate download.  I was so pleased about the positive feedback on my "Botanical Illustration in Gouache" class and I hope this one is as well received.  I do love painting animals and gouache is one of my favorite mediums.  I chose a rabbit, a raccoon and a horse for these demonstrations because they have such different types of coats and shapes.  I've included blending exercises and tips about color and value.  Enjoy!


  1. Thank you for sharing this, Sandy! I know your other class is WILDLY successful!

  2. This looks wonderful, Sandy! What exquisite instruction and fun practice for journalers!

  3. Sandy, these look lovely. I esp. like that fox! Roz


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