
Friday, January 27, 2012

fun sketch kit

(55) Jill's sandwich bag by vickylw
(55) Jill's sandwich bag, a photo by vickylw on Flickr.
This was just too fun to not share! At watercolor class last night, we covered some pretty basic stuff; it is a beginner's class, after all. (But I love hanging out with these people!)

So part of the time, I did a quick sketch of Jill's wee sketch kit. A two-sided purse holding all she needs, including 2 tiny sketchpads --- in the form of a peanut butter & jelly sandwich! The whole thing, filled, measures only 4 x 5 x 1 1/2 inches. Her paint box is a used mint tin and easily fits inside.

Oh --- and Jill carries this treasure in her everyday purse . . . which is in the shape of a big chicken!


  1. Jill sounds like a really fun person! Sweetly done!

  2. Jill is delightfully quirky! She teaches grade school level gifted kids.

  3. Love this - does she have a pattern?

  4. No, this is a purchased item. If you click on the "two-sided purse" link in the above text, it will take you to one listed on


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