
Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 2012: Sudden Moleskine Book

May 2012: Treasures by apple-pine
May 2012: Treasures, a photo by apple-pine on Flickr.

I managed to go on a little vacation with a few pages left in a sketchbook and... ended up using them in one day :) As a result I am fighting moleskine paper with watercolors again - always frustrating, always unexpected but fun to look back at :)

Resume: next time if sketchbook might be used in one day - bring a new one or more single-sheet watercolor paper with you!


  1. I agree -- Moleskine paper and watercolor are a frustrating combination . . . . but this looks fabulous!

  2. thanks, Vicky! I find some consolation in unpredictability of pain blob formations while cursing this paper :)

  3. Sometimes the surprise you get by using "difficult" paper is quite compelling. I always love the mingling of materials -- that little bit of lack of control an inappropriate medium brings with it. We can't plan everything in life -- the spirit of spontaneity with it's crinkles bumps and blurs always adds something to the art. Lovely work.

  4. I love working on hot press paper for that very made it look great, Nina. But yeah, I always take backup...sometimes I use up the original one, sometimes not, but I much prefer having the option!

  5. Are you using the Watercolor Moleskin book? I have one and I use pen and ink with my travel palette set of pan watercolors. That works for me.


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