
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Indigo blue

 I've recently discovered Sennelier ink, and Indigo is my new favourite. Found this totally chaotic art shop in Mallorca when I was there recently, full of beautiful paints and paper and packing boxes and mess, but spent ages exploring it, and even longer salivating over the Sennelier ink selection. Could only afford one, so a huge selection was narrowed down to one. Though my lovely sister bought me one more for my birthday - happiness! Unfortunately I dropped my nearly new Indigo bottle so now the studio floor a much nicer shade. Manged to save some of it but it meant going online and ordering more and spending a fortune in more art supplies that I'm sure I really didn't need...
 A lot of fingers and nails and ends of brushes were used in these drawings, just trying to get a feel for the ink and how it works. Been reading some comments about how they last in light, some good, some bad, so I guess its just a case of wait and see and leave some in the window to see what happens. In the meantime, I've ordered six new colours which I couldn't resist, so watch this space. Unless they all end up on the floor....


  1. omg...just this

  2. I have one or two colours, too, and bought them in a small SoHo (NYC) art store.

  3. Love your ink drawings and laughed at your post.
    We have an art store in South Florida, that sounds like the one you visited.. Messes and boxes on the floor to the ceiling. Everything you could want is there. I don't live there anymore, so I can still order online.. It's safer !!!! BJ

  4. We used to have an art store like that here in Charleston, but they moved... and well it isn't the same now, so I don't go there anymore. Hope they picked up new customers that like tidy art stores, cause they lost the treasure hunter :-) LOVE your ink sketches, do you have brushes devoted to ink only, does it wash out? Do you add water or some other medium to dilute?

  5. Oh, these are lovely, Catriona! And I love your description of fingers and nails and brush ends used to great effect.

    1. Thanks everyone. I just add water to dilute Elaine, and I just use my bog standard watercolour brushes, though not so much lately, as its just been dip pen and fingers, so I've been going around with dyed indigo fingers...actually I do use bleach too sometimes, I like the effect it gives.

    2. Lovely color and it sounds like you've had some fun exploring these new inks.

  6. Charming drawings and now I am intrigued and exited about this new inks. Gotta check where I can found it in NY.

  7. What wonderful ink drawings and the color is perfect!


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