
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Watercolor Journal at Utica Reservoir

I look forward to my annual camping trip to the Sierra Nevada mountains so I can play in my journal. This year I have a journal that has dark paper in it and I wanted to have my sketch go across the page. The granite was lighter than the dark paper, so I used a white opaque Sharpie pen. I tapped it on the paper to get the ink flowing. Because of the elevation (7,000 ft.) I got a blop of white ink. Oops. I sort of blotted it up with a paper towel. I liked the effect, but was afraid if I did it again I might loose all the white ink out of the pen. When the white dried it was not water soluble, so I was able to use watercolor over it.


  1. I was wondering how you did the granite across the two colors . . . . brilliant!

  2. Love this, Gay! Would have loved to see your face when the Sharpie misbehaved :) Great job making the oops work for you!

  3. Gay, I've been loving your work this summer in both Cathy's Aritist's Journal Workshop and An Illustrated Life. While working in my own journal this summer I was wondering what kind of white pen I could use in my journal, then, coincidentally I was checking on all of the blogs I love upon my return from a very long sailing trip and lo and behold, you've written about a white pen. Took out my Dick Blick to see the Sharpies. Are you using the fine point waterbased sharpie? Any other suggestions??

  4. Thanks Kelly,
    The Sharpie I was using was a borrowed one so I don't have it here to look at. But it was not water soluble, so it must have been the oil based one. It was a fine point.
    Happy Journaling!


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