
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pulling it All Together

Sometimes I just do a page of bits and, a quick sketch of my husband at work, the bamboo poles that hold me little fountain over the fish pond (Joseph bolted it to the pot to keep the raccoons from knocking it off, but those metal bolts just didn't get it.) and finally, at the end of the day, a bright colored mechanized para-glider!  I had to really work fast on that one, and a small set of colored pencils were handy to suggest the beautiful rainbow of colors.

And of course the next day that seemed obvious, to tie everything together--color!  A watercolor border and spatters of the same colors made me smile...


  1. I like the way you brought unrelated subjects all together. Color spatter is always a +plus

  2. such an nteresting page. i love the spattering technique too.

  3. I like this idea as different events of ones day don't always require a full page. The racoons here took off with my large clam shells that were in the pond to camoflage the motor. LOL

  4. Thanks all! I only had a second or two to sketch that paraglider!

  5. Love your bits and pieces page. We have one of those paraplanes around here.. Actually two of them, but one is that color. I did a journal page of it not long ago. Fun to see you do one too. Altho I used a photo for it. I need to try some quick sketching.

  6. I have to admit I made a very odd-looking rider...this one had a motor, so it made the shape overhead different!


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