
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Making the Best of Things

Recently, I needed to use a walker for a while, and drew it--you may have seen those posts!  Then I graduated back to my collection of canes.  They're so cool and idiosyncratic, I just had to draw them.

These were with my old standby Micron Pigma, done in the little journal Roz Stendahl made with Arches Text Wove!

Some are mainstays, like the T-shaped one and the more iconic cane 2nd from left, and some are just too fun, like the one on the right.  Some mean a lot to me, since my husband either gave them to me or MADE them for me.

But right now I'm grateful I don't need to use them.


  1. I admire your strength and ability to make the best of a bad situation! I hope when the time comes that I will be able to look on my "helpers" with the same love and affection that's evident in this sketch. Its a really cool collection of wood too, just begging to be re-arranged and sketched again!
    Enjoy the good days, and may there be many more!

  2. I embrace the security of the cane when I need it. If I need to use one everyone can tell that I'm struggling without it----when I'm too proud to be a 'cane user.

    I have a beautiful walking stick that's just begging to be sketched. Thanks for the good idea.

  3. I have 2 canes that mean much to me because one belonged to my dad and the other my mum.And to me they represent so much about each ones personality.Drawing them was something I had never considered till now,thank you for the idea.

  4. Thanks all! They can be VERY handy, and VERY cool, can't they? I've painted that blackthorn one before...

  5. Excellent renditions! The woman I care for also has a cane, but she uses a walker primarily now. Maybe I should draw the walker... I wouldn't have thought it to be interesting material until I saw these canes... now I'm inspired :)

    1. I've sketched my two walkers, too! Kind of makes them into friends...

  6. I love your canes! Makes me want to draw my husband's. For about ten years they were a necessity; but now he only needs one for uneven ground (:-))

    1. Well, hooray, Elva, glad he doesn't need them now! I take mine when I travel, just in case, and one lives in the Jeep, but it's great not to need them daily. In any case I'm glad they're fun to look at!

  7. DId I read that right Kate, you've chucked the walker and don't even need a cane... good for you. I have a walking stick that I use when we go off roading in our Jeep... it has helped keep me from falling on more than one occasion.
    Enjoy the freedom of no cane... yours have so much character I don't think I'd mind using one of those at all.

    1. Yes, not needing any of this right now! It still hurts when I stand too long or walk too far, but it's manageable. Not falling is GOOD.

      And yep, I do love much cooler than an aluminum one. :-D

  8. I love your cane illustrations!! And that's so neat about some being made by your husband!!


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