
Thursday, March 27, 2014

new drawing pens and pencils

Having found the best pens to use on this handmade paper ___the Uni-ball Signo UM-151 gel ink pens___ I ordered a couple more colors of them. They are waterproof when used with watercolor, and come in .28, .38, and .5 nibs.

At Jet Pens, I also found these two pencils. The long 2-pointed Auto Point Turnpoint Mechanical Pencil has a .7 graphite lead at one end and a .9 red lead at the other. I thought I would replace the red lead with a softer 2B graphite for wider, darker pencil lines. The Ohto Wooden  Mechanical Pencil Mini is very tiny! Fits easily inside my favorite watercolor palettes for on-the-go sketching.


  1. Hi Kate,
    I like the cocoiro pens, but their tops do not stay fastened, which is not good for travel. I am going to try the others on your recommendation. You know me as Kate Powell ~

    1. I've never used cocoiro pens--do you get them at JetPens? And this post is Vicky's, maybe she knows!

  2. Very cool! I love that little pencil...

  3. I've never heard of Cocoiro pens before. What are they like, anyone?

  4. Rita, Jet Pens have so many fun toys! And I had forgotten how very fast delivery is.

  5. Kate, the tiny pencil is in my vintage Prang WC box at the moment, with a couple of travel brushes, but it fits easily into most palettes!

    1. Neat! I just THOUGHT I ordered some larger travel brushes from Daniel Smith, but...they weren't travel brushes! Drat...the photos were tiny, and I thought they were...#8 is the largest travel brush I have, and I'd really like bigger...

    2. My favorite travel brush is a #12 made by da Vinci, but it's too fat to fit in palettes. In the Prang set I keep a regular #10 brush that I cut down to fit, plus a tiny stencil brush and #1 rigger that are also cut short.

    3. I looked at that, but it was out of stock, at the moment. I have a #14 Utrecht I cut down to fit in one of my Prang sets, so really I'll probably just whack these down too...because of the design of the Black Gold brushes--black ferrule, black paint on the end of the brush with pale wood in between (coupled with the WEE tiny photos you can't enlarge), and I thought I was looking at a black cap on the end of the brush. Oh well...

  6. I too LOVE Jet Pens, order from them all the time, along with Goulet Pens for my fountain pens and ink. I hope Kate notices that the 'new' Flickr isn't allowing her slideshow to work, I'd read about this in the help forum but your blog is the first example I've seen of the error.

    1. Yep, it's not a matter of noticing, but finding a way to replace it. I've known for a month or two, but finding that way and the time to deal with it? Hmmm. Coincidentally, though, just today I say Liz Steel's Urban Sketchers Australia blog and they have a new way to do it, my copious spare time... :D

  7. Kate, you are my go-to person/artist/mentor on journaling and I love your work. I have been posting on Flickr since 2011. That means I have many images there. The interface at Flickr keeps changing (for the worse, in my opinion) so I am looking for another place to upload my stuff. I use quite a few of the Facebook groups.

    1. Thanks, Lee! Yes, Flickr is much slower to download now that it's "improved," siigh. When I want to see a group or set I have to wait and wait for all of them to rather randomly open...then scroll down and wait again. I use Facebook too, as you know, but I understand that people who aren't ON Facebook can't see the images, so a group really needs options.

  8. Not only is the new Flickr much slower . . . It actually hurts my eyes! Too much image and no space to rest the eyes. I do have eye health issues at the moment, but so do many of us in our age group.

  9. It proved to be Very helpful to me and I am sure to all the commentators here!
    Trekking in Nepal

  10. Yeah. i also love jet pen.
    That is really nice to hear. thank you for the update and good luck.


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