
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

At last, the new Keeping an Artist's Journal Mini-class is UP!

I keep calling these "mini-classes," but there are four lessons of between 16-18 pages each, with demos, exercises, inspirations, tips, links, and brand new videos...

They're self directed, so you can do them ANY time you like, at your convenience--no waiting for my time or energy!  You can find it HERE: --there's a PayPal button right on that page!

(For those who have my book, the CD of the same name, or took my original interactive online class, rest assured--this is NEW.  I started from the blank page to create this mini-class.  All new text, exercises and videos!)

We talk about family treasures and there's a video on this (This is one of my baby toys...NO idea what it is!)

There's a lot of keeping a nature journal, plus a video...

There are even videos on basic washes, textures, and spatter, as well as one on fixing "mistakes!"
Travel journals are some of my favorite kinds...this is my California journal, an accordion style.  You'll see a video on that, as well!

Look for this button at the link and check out the syllabus for more information!

I did a quick little sneak preview on the "fixing journal pages" video on it in this post or check it out HERE for a taste of the class.

...and shared the complete video on Journaling, Contemplation and Meditation...which is essential, to me...HERE.

Look for the rest of my videos HERE, including the new one on making your own super-quick folding journal.

I hope to see you in the class rolls!
Best--Kate (Cathy Johnson)


  1. Hi Kate!

    I was wondering if you would accept PayPal as a method of payment. Please let me know. I would LOVE to take this class. This is what I've been waiting for!

  2. Absolutely, AJ! The PayPal button is right on the class page, here: Sorry I don't know how to put one here...


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!