
Monday, July 21, 2014

Life's Little Mysteries, Part 2

I had two more short videos in the pipeline, both that had to be cut from my Sketchbook Skool class for reasons of length...this one agreed to be processed and uploaded, the other one didn't.  NO idea why!  Ah well, I like this one best anyway...

This is my old cabin book--I built my own cabin in the woods with the help of a young carpenter back in the late 80s or early 90s, and worked out there almost every day.  (In those days I had a computer out there and even a phone, neither of which is true today!)

And every day, I would do a sketch in my big brown-paper journal.  It's a time capsule, looking back through the pages and seeing the everyday miracles that caught my eye.

I got to write a book about the process, too...A Naturalist's Cabin; Constructing a Dream, long out of print, of course.

Yep, life is good...


  1. That is so nice. Thank you for sharing. Had to listen without sound, in middle of the night here.

  2. Cathy, this sketchbook is a delight! Have you thought of publishing it?

  3. What a wonderful sketchbook! Thank you for sharing. I like the way you balance the text and your drawings. It is beautiful!


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