
Thursday, June 4, 2015

beginning a new hand-bound journal

With my previous post, my journal was filled and I have begun a new one. For this one, I cut sample sheets of Bockingford tinted papers in half, then bound them into an antique book cover. The end sheets are made from a sheet of Saunders Waterford --- I often skip using separate paper for end papers, choosing to use watercolor paper here as well since it is usually drawn on.

Inside the front cover, I glued the front illustration from the original book. The old book block was bug-chewed and crumbling but I wanted to save this bit. As usual, a palette on the first page: this one, a pocket palette made from a business card case filled with earthy, granulating paints. I will fill in personal contact info after posting this, in case the book is lost.


  1. this is so beautiful...i wonder if there is an easy way to put/bind them in a book..i have never done it and it always looks tough. :( any suggestions?

    1. The first journals I ever made were made the same way this was: pages sewn with a Coptic stitch, then glued into an existing cover. I learned from this site:

      There are many YouTube demos out there on binding journals, and some good books on various techniques, from easy to complex. I mostly learn through trial and error.

  2. Replies
    1. I didn't come up with the idea but it sure is an easier way to cover my handmade journals!

    2. Wishing I had more old books that would fit the text blocks I have waiting! SOOO much trouble to make covers...

    3. It was totally unplanned and unexpected to find that my two current book blocks just happened to fit the two old book covers I had in my stash. Serendipitous!

      If I had not already had these covers, I would have made them open-spine Coptic. Much easier than dealing with fitting covers.


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