
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Back to Art Discardia here...

And continuing with my Discardia beloved little shed studio is bursting at the seams!  The book case is FULL and there are stacks all over the floor, so beginning to thin the herd again.  

There are some of the best recent sketching and drawing books (urban sketching and otherwise) along with some of my OWN--our inventory closet could use some clearing out, too. 

Some of the other wonderful books include those by James Hobbs, Thomas Thorspecken and Katherine Tyrrell, and believe me I HATE to part with books!  Ouch, ouch, ouch...

So please check out my eBay store and see if you can find something you like!  I'll be adding more as I get photos shot, so bookmark my site, please.

(And sorry if you saw this on my other blog, I REALLY need to make some space on my shelves and in my life!)

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