
Friday, September 28, 2018

Draw with Me?

Hi all!  I woke up with a bit of a wild hair this morning--well, I know my hair is ALWAYS a mess, not that.  I mean an idea!  What would you think of an occasional "Draw with Me" event, perhaps monthly, perhaps quarterly, perhaps when the mood hit?  (Or Paint with Me, sometimes?  Or just whatever medium you prefer?)

We'd have a basic subject matter each time--like this one I did for Self Portrait Sunday, where we work from life, using whatever medium we want.  We could do something around our house, not necessarily a still life (though it could be), but maybe a favorite reading corner, your desk, what's on the plate for dinner, a view from a window; a pet--cat, dog, alpaca, goldfish, sugar glider, whatever; nature drawings; a favorite tool; your family, past or present; a favorite pastime; something from your imagination...

It won't be a demo, per se, but more of a chance for all of us to draw together for an hour or two, or a morning, virtual but "live."  There will be a set starting and ending time, of course--it would be a realtime event.  That said, it may be day-long, and for those in far-different time zones, you can check in the next day.

We'd have a place to share our work when the event is over--a blog of our own, Flickr, Facebook...

It's not a "challenge," exactly--I won't say "draw an apple," for instance--as close as I'm thinking is the above, something around the house.

I won't be judging work and there won't be "winners"--except that we DO win, by creating!  I was surprised to open Facebook this morning to see the wildly talented James Gurney came up with a similar concept, his contest for drawings of cell phone towers!  Great minds...or something...

So what do you think?  I don't know about you, but I've been coming out of a dry spell, and I'm feeling inspired--and want to share it!

And of course--it's a FREE event.  Let's have fun with it...


  1. I like the idea! What time of day are you thinking? As long as I'm here and no other appointments I'll try to keep up!

  2. Cathy, I love your idea! Where do we sign up?

  3. Sounds like fun! Wondering about the time differences. Blessings! ♥


  4. I'm interested. Tell me when.

  5. Kate, My soul has been yearning to get back to my journaling and this might be the motivation I need. Count me in!

  6. I would love to do this Cathy! Sounds like a lot of fun!

  7. That would be wonderful! I'd love to!

  8. Yes!!! It makes me put mundane things aside and make art! I vote yes :)

  9. Sounds like a great idea I hope you start something, I'm dry due to excess desert heat, air conditioning spoils you, I did 1 VPO as it started up again, so I for one will look for you Draw with me, count me in: )

  10. I would love to draw with you! Please make it day-long as I live on the other side of the planet.

  11. Thank you!! I love your idea & will gladly participate in it!!

    Still have not managed to overcome my raging perfectionism that keeps me from creating "amateurish" sketches. Joining in will help me get started ��

  12. Hi Cathy, I think I would like to try this, Great Idea and Sellf-Portrait!

  13. I always need incentive to get going. Sounds lovely,

  14. I would love to try it although I have not been very good at motivating myself. Maybe a little push from you will work.

  15. I find I'm not often able to participate when artists offer events like these due to my work schedule, but I would love to participate depending on the timing.

  16. Just seeing this as I'm catching up on my blog feed. Happy you are feeling inspired. I like the idea too... so has something been set up?


We'd love your feedback...please share your thoughts!