
Monday, January 17, 2011

Journal exhibition--wonderful work!

Gwen Diehn just posted images from a fantastic show she juried recently at Asheville BookWorks in Asheville, NC on her new blog--you won't want to miss these!

Find them here:

You'll be sure to recognize some of the artists...the very first one up is one of my favorite nature journalers, Andie Thrams, who teaches at various sites and offers a beautiful calendar ever year. (Click the calendar link to see the 2011 one on Etsy, all painted on the spot.

Your new blog ROCKS, Gwen!


  1. This exhibit looked wonderful. I attended a fantastic nature journal exhibit entitled "Drawing on Nature" in Albuquerque this summer. Video interviews of some of these journalers were done ( as a compliment to the exhibit--so inspiring. I wonder where the next journal exhibit will be?...I wouldn't want to miss it if it were near my area. This might be another category that we might want for this blog--both exhibits, and calls for journals to enter in exhibits?

  2. Maria, thanks for the link and the idea...sounds like a good one! I'll add a page...

  3. Wow! It' almost as if those pages lit my pilot light! The ideas are flying all over the place. Those were terrific!!! Thanks Cathy and Gwen!

  4. Well COOL. That's the point of sharing, all right...


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