
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Speaking of the inspiring Rick Tulka...

Some time back, Rick visited Washington D.C., and posted a photo on his Flickr...somehow a lot of us got a bit nuts and, inspired by the picture, did our own sketches from it.  (Thank goodness, Rick was amused!  He's got a great sense of humor!)

Above is my version, in my journal, and I loved that sad face...he looked SO cold!

Here are the rest of the entries in the Sketch Rick Tulka marathon:

We had FUN.

(CAVEAT: Yes, of course, working from someone else's Flickr photos is subject to copyright unless they are clearly marked Creative Commons, and should be done only after asking their permission.)


  1. This was great fun! I remember Rick's face popping up everywhere I looked. Yours is my favorite though.

  2. Thanks girl! There were some wonderful ones, though...that was just one of those spontaneous things that was SO much fun.

  3. I loved the huge variety of styles. But in this one, I want to buy the guy a cup of coffee! The sketch makes me want to interact.

  4. LOL! Well he does look like he'd appreciate it!

  5. THANKS for sharing this link!! I had a GREAT laugh tonight looking at ALL those sketches and the many different styles of the same photo! Yes, Rick must have a WONDERFUL sense of humor!!


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